Sunday, May 22, 2016

Handler, D., & Epstein, A. (2011). Nature education in preschool [PDF document]. Retrieved from.

I ended up changing my topic as I felt that my initial question regarding closing the gap between parents and IEP’s would be a great topic, however it was much too broad and being able to focus on a condensed subject would allow me to delve deeper.  I was interested in learning about how a natural environment can positively affect the cognitive skills in early childhood education.  According to the authors of Nature Education in Preschool, large amounts of research demonstrate the adverse effects that are associated with not creating a connection early in the student's academic career.  I learned that the disposition of the parents regarding nature can transcend to their children thus creating a negative environmental choices for future generations.   There are great socioeconomic gaps in the amount of green time offered to young children in homes of need, than that of the wealthier class..  Some schools and cities cannot afford    “The National Association for Sports and Physical Education (NASPE, 2010) recommend preschoolers get at least one hour a day of vigorous physical activity, yet studies show children fall far short of this goa”(Handler & Epstein, 2011).  A new search strategy that I found useful this week was the small magnifying glass to the right of the ebook, it allowed my to read some of the book without completely making a commitment to it.  Also the ability to set limits was invaluable.  Finding different tools that aid in the citation process is helpful like  “On EndNote Online, it is a reference management software program that can help you gather and organize your material when conducting research. You can store and manage your references, up to 50,000 references”(Rosen, 2015).  Bookmarking the helpful research sites can be very beneficial, infact I book marked the ILLiad domain, The LBSU Library resource page, that has great links to other promising research paths.  And the Leatherby Library link to my desktop.  I also ordered or I guess requested a book from the ILLiad, I am not sure it will help with this assignment, as it may come too late but it is very cool to know that I can,...for the future.  I thought that it was pretty cool that we could get extra credit for learning how to efficiently find research materials. I really didn’t like it when I wanted to go back to the main page, of my ebook search if I click on a title I don’t want.  I thin have to resubmit all of my limits.  My goal to find out more about this research is to begin recognizing the different styles of learning. As I research my topic, I want to create an information folder and begin to collect ideas so that when I become a teacher, I will use those opportunities when permitted.                                       

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